Saturday, August 8, 2009

How Can It Be? :(

Twitter is not working. I'm so sad about this, its been down for days now :(
I guess it was hackers or something.

P.S I went to a Jonas Brothers concert on July 26th! It was amazingly awesome!!! I will blog about it when I have more time! :)

P.P.S This was like the shortest blog EVER!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Best Day

Ok so on July 5, 2008 was the best day ever!

The tickets for the concert had been on sale for a while and I could never get tickets since I had no money and my dad said since I already saw them I didn't need to see them in concert again. I was so sad, like devastated.

Two days before the concert something amazing happened my parents gave me an envolope and said it was my early birthday present. I opened it expecting anything but what was actually in the envelope but there they were, the concert tickets! One for my sister, my mom, and one for me! I was so happy my mom could go with us because then we could find the seats together, I'm pretty bad at finding seats at concerts I literally have to ask like ten people to help us hahaa!

(fast forward to the day of the concert!)

My mom was taking us so we actually got to leave on time! It was so hot outside waiting in line at venue like seriously it was Burnin Up! ( ha bad joke) We got these amazing apple fries while we waited (so good)

We had to wait FOREVER to actually be allowed in the arena to go to are seats. Apparently some of the buses got stopped at the border from Canada so they had to do sound check really really late. But after like a hour and a half of waiting outside in the sun we started hopping the fence since they wouldn't let us in, we just couldn't wait any longer! Its quite possibly the funniest thing I have EVER witnessed! None of the security people could stop us there were hundreds of Jonas Fans descending to the stage!

I had no idea how close are seats were going to be so you can imagine my excitement when I realized we were 3RD ROW CENTER!!!! Right in front of the cat walk! I was guaranteed some major eye locking! When were sitting down they were still setting up the stage I saw Benji( Nicks guitar tech) and he was holding Nicks guitar so I yelled " THAT'S NICK'S GUITAR" Not the smartest thing I ever did. EVERYONE looked at me and I'm not even being dramatic. Benji laughed(thank god)

Demi came on and she was AMAZING! I was kinda nervous for her since this was only her second show in an arena. But the most embarrassing thing happend. There were these beach balls people were throwing around in the crowd. So my sister got passed one and I thought she would just toss it to the person next to her. But no. Not my sister. SHE THROUGH THE BEACH BALL AT DEMI LOVATO! AHHHHH! Demi dodged it and gave me this look like she didn't know weather to laugh or call security. I had to give her the look like OMG I'm so sorry just ignore my little sister please.

Like 1 hour and 30 min after Demi ( they had to wait for it to get dark since it was an outdoor arena) the Jonas Brothers came on!! WOW! It was so awesome! I made eye contact! Kevin smiled at me a couple times and waved, Joe pointed and smiled, Nick looked at me for like the entire chorus of Gotta Find You and then he winked at me, I also got some awesome pictures from my little pink camera! It was the best day ever, best concert ever, and best birthday present EVER!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A HUGE Day in Jonas Fan History

I cant believe this!
Like I'm seriously shocked!
But a happy shocked.
Yesturday Kevin Jonas got engaged to Dani!

I was watching E! News and right at the very end they announced that they had gotten engaged and I freaked out! It was just a fluke that I was even watching TV because I was going to go play my guitar. I felt like I was the one who just got engaged to him like I was that excited. I wish them the best and I'm so happy for Kevin that he found someone who loves him unconditionally and doesn't care about being famous or anything.

P.S I know I said the word "happy" a lot in this blog but I cant help it, I am happy!

Friday, April 3, 2009

HAIR CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok so on March 22 I got 12 inches of hair cut off!

Don’t freak out I will explain. lol. The last time I got a major hair cut was 2 years ago. I liked keeping it super long since I model and sometimes it helps if you keep a consistent “look.” My hair was so long it was past my belly button!! haha I know SUPER long hair!! I just got really sick of it, it was really hard to take care of and it didn’t seem to really help me that much with modeling so I decided to cut it.

I remember watching an episode of Oprah a while back (And yes, I do watch Oprah) and they were talking about Locks of Love. I searched the computer for donating requirements and found out that the minimum length of hair to donate in 10 inches. I measured where ten inches would be on my hair and it was PERFECT! not to long but not to short about 5 inches from my shoulders. A week later I went to go get my hair cut and I did NOT know what I was getting my self into.

So we walk in and I didn’t really get a good vibe of the salon. You know what I mean? My usual place had a two hour wait so we couldn’t go there. So I sit in the chair and tell the lady I need 10 inches cut off and that I’m donating it to locks of love. She said ok and that instead of putting it in a ponytail ( most people cut it while its in the pony tail) she was just going to cut across normally. I thought ok, she’s the professional, just trust her.

Right as she does the first cut a guy in the salon yells “DON’T DO IT!” haha very funny, NOT! My mom takes the hair as its being cut so it does fall on the floor and after about a minute of agony the lady says “Ok finished!” I look in the mirror and pure terror is on my face. She cut 12 inches not 10 like I asked! I wanted to cry! But I said “ thanks! I like it?” And then she said “ Ok I’m going to have to cut it again so its even.” NOOOOOO!
Was there no end!? It was already way shorter than I was expecting she could tell I was horrified and she was going to make it SHORTER!? After the 2nd cut it was like she cut 13 and a half inches of hair off.

It took me about 2 days to get over it and then I decided, I loved it! My hair was way easier to take care of. It made me look taller which helps with modeling. And I feel really good because I think I’m doing a good thing by helping someone. When I think about those kids with cancer it makes me so sad there hair may not even start to grow back for a long time and mine is past my shoulders and is growing everyday. This was my first time donating my hair and I cant wait to do it again!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Look Me In The Eyes Tour

Feb 23 2008, one of the best days EVER!

It was my sister and my 2nd Jonas Brothers concert. Well, technically are first Jonas Brothers concert since it was for the Look Me in the Eyes Tour and they weren’t opening for anyone. Ok, so this is everything that happened.

So the day the tickets went on sale we got them! But we were literally last row back left corner. We weren’t exactly thrilled about it, but we were happy that we were at least going.

Later on that day we were in the car driving to the guitar store to see if they got my guitar in yet and we were listening to the radio. The guy said that the Jonas Brothers were playing not one but TWO shows at the Fox the same day because the first shows tickets sold out so fast. AHHHHHH! And if that wasn’t exciting enough they said they were going to be giving away a pair of tickets! Were they trying to give me a heart attack!?

When I got home I called the radio station like a million times with no luck ( I don’t know why I even try those contest I NEVER win) I looked at the clock and realized they were going to start selling the tickets for the second show they added. I ran to my computer to go on ticket master. The first time I didn’t know you only have like a minute to type your credit card numbers in so I lost the tickets : ( But the second time I got the tickets! I felt so proud of myself! I was to excited to even realize what row we were in. But I later found out we were in row Q. I had no clue what that meant because that’s when I was an amateur concert attendee.

ok fast forward to the day of the concert

My dad was taking us to the concert because my mom had to take my brother to his soccer game. When my dad asked us when we needed to leave we told him 1:30 since the concert was at 4:00 and we needed to drive their and get t-shirts. But of course we left at 2:45. He also told me not to bring my camera because we would be to far back to get any good pictures.

When we got there we ran straight to the t-shirt line was long but the time went by so fast. Everyone was so excited. When we got to the front of the line we picked are shirts and after quickly convincing my sister NOT to get the same shirt as me, we were on are way to find area seats.

This was no easy task. People were pushing like crazy. I grabbed my little sisters hand and pushed are way threw the crowd. I walked up to an usher and said “ Uh, I don’t know where to go.” he kind of laughed at me and gave are tickets to another usher who walked us to are seats.

We kept walking and walking and passing more and more rows and not stopping! With each step we were getting closer and closer to the stage. The excitement was building inside of me. I kept telling myself DON’T SCREAM! We sat down in are seats silently and stared at the stage for about a minute without saying anything. My sister and I turned and looked at each other and said “ OH.MY.GOSH!” We said it about 50 times! LOUDLY! ( I’m sure all the parents around us were wishing they bought ear plugs) Then one thought ran though my head, why didn’t I bring my camera?

There were people around us still being taken to there seats when and usher came to me and said “ Can I see your tickets?” My heart literally stopped. I knew it was to good to be true. The usher who took us to are seats must have made a mistake. I handed over the tickets and prepared myself for the worst. And to my surprise the lady handed the tickets back and said “thank you” and walked away. WHAT!? I was so happy the look on my sisters face was priceless. There was no mistake we were in the right seats! YESSS!

A Band called Rooney opened for them. About 25 minutes later the lights went out. There was one spotlight. Smoke filled the stage. That’s when I was then Kevin, Joe, and Nick come on the stage. AHHHHHHH! The first song they sang was Year 3000. I was the only person in my area singing that’s why people were staring at me but I didn’t care. After a couple songs they stopped and read a couple posters. One said D-Fence ( what the heck!?) Nick said “ D-fence. Im not really sure what that means, but, uh thanks!” Ahaha It was funny.

The whole concert was AWESOME! I’m convinced that they saw me from the stage.

When we were leaving one girls dad said how was the concert? And she paused and said “It was life altering.” HAHAHA classic!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Cell Phones + Radio Contest= high amounts of frustration


sorry just venting

My weekend consisted of me sitting by my radio listening to 96.3 WDVD (local radio station) trying to win Jonas Brothers concert tickets.

Like I said in another post the tickets are to expensive to buy so the only chance of going is if we win tickets or if some sort of miracle happens.

If you call in and are lucky caller 25 you get qualified to win the pair of concert tickets and on Monday morning they were going to pick a winner

Bbout every hour Joe Jonas would come on the radio ( it was a previously recorded message thing lol) and say to call in and be caller number 25 to qualify to win tickets to are concert.

So every hour my mom, my sister, my brother, and I would call the radio station a million times to try to be caller 25. You would think with 4 of us we would have a pretty good chance..................yeah that's what we thought.

On Saturday we spent 9 hours calling every hour trying to win tickets and on probably are 6Th or 7Th hour of calling something unbelievable happened. I was caller 24! AHHHHHHHH! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Caller 25 was the winner! I was one off. Just one number away. I could not believe it.

Sunday went pretty must the same except we tried for 12 hours. And if your wondering if we won the tickets, we didnt.

My sister and I are so upset we knew it was a long shot but we thought we might have a chance. But whoever won the tickets we hope you have an awesome time at the concert!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

You Have Got To Be Kidding Me

I was watching the news one night half asleep when I heard the lady on the TV say two amazing words JONAS BROTHERS! I sat up with the biggest dorky smile ever and screamed a huge girly scream. She said that they, meaning the Jonas Brothers, were coming to Detroit to play a concert on January 18Th. AHHHHHHHH!

I ran to my computer and google searched it to find any information on the concert. I think the website was the Detroit Free Press or something. I read the long article as fast as I could totally excited until I got to the price.................$400.

Apparently the concert was free when you bought a ticket for the auto show for $400. NOOOOOOOOOOO! I was crushed. I couldn't believe it. I diffidently could not pay that much for the tickets. If I had that much money I would buy the tickets in a second but its pretty much impossible.

I cant believe it, the Jonas Brothers are coming to Detroit I cant see them. Its heart breaking. I seriously need a miracle.